Media / video
Digital Design
Pet & Animal Photography
Travel photography
Senior HS photography - 2024
Media / Video
Heyo! I'm Liam, a guy who likes to explore the world of creation and it's many forms. In college, I've begun majoring in graphic design as my form of choice to further study and master.I originally began my art journey at 4 years old, but once I acquired a smartphone, I became interested in digital art and started drawing on my phone with my finger. Eventually, I was able to build my own computer and use an XP-Pen Artist 22 monitor to draw. Since COVID I have developed my own small business to create many kinds of work for my clients, streamers/content creators being a source of many requests.
Name | Liam |
Birthday | Jan 10, 2006 |
From | Illinois |
Major | Graphic Design |
Languages | English, ASL |
Grad Year | 2028(?) |

Looking for...
People who agree that dorm/housing security is important. (I'm bringing a computer with me and would prefer if that is kept safely locked up!)
People who are okay with a cat living near or around!
People who understand that their mess is their mess. Clean up after yourself!
People who understand they aren't the only person living around them!
People who aren't very loud when it comes to night life or super loud in general living.

Warnings & BYI?
I have an ESA Cat for my mental health. Depending on the situation of living, I may allow the cat to roam outside of my personal room.
I sometimes snore but try and reduce it as much as I can.
I have stress & ADHD disorders, I may have panic episodes where I may need some time to calm down. I also struggle with RSD (Rejection Sensitivity Disorder).
I tend to be a bit of a messy/neat mix when it comes to my living area. With this, I may have bursts where I like being super clean and keeping my space much tidier.
Sometimes I'm not aware of how loud I'm being, so I may accidentally be loud while talking to people on Discord. If I am just let me know!
If I'm very overwhelmed I may become very agitated or mad and might need to be left alone to calm down. If needed we can discuss a system to let you know how I'm feeling!
If there is something you don't like or would like changed in a habit of mine, please let me know. I find sometimes text or ASL is easier than a verbal discussion.
Basic Rules for having people over?
Willing to discuss and modify!
Preferably, I'd like to keep it quiet around 10 pm - 5 am to get good sleep, so I'd prefer people not to come around at that time.
If they do come around during the quiet times, or you have a sleepover with someone, give me a heads up or maintain a quiet level of talking.
If you have friends over, preferably I'd like them to not comb through or touch any of my stuff.
Please notify me through a text or other if I'm there and you are bringing someone over in case I need to prepare.
Do not bring people over just to see my cat. My cat is not a petting zoo!
General Info | |
Early Bird or Night Owl? | Mix of both! |
Messy or Clean? | Mainly Clean. Sometimes Messy. |
Temperature? | I'd prefer it cool! |
Allergies? | None! |
Pet Peeves? | Loud people |
Showering Habits? | I shower every other day in the morning. |
_ | |
Beliefs | Liberal & Agnostic. |
Family | Mainly* Liberal & Christian. |
Social Life? | INFP, but occasionally extroverted. |
Drinking? | I don't personally but just be safe if you do! |
Smoking? | Would prefer the rooms not smell like smoke. |
Studying? | For me happens both in and out of my room. |
Cat info
Meet Sunny!
Name: Sunny
Sex: M
Birthday: 10/16/22
Breed: American Shorthair with bob tail
Favorite Toy: Catnip stick
Treats of all flavors
Quick movements
Being not in the action
Interaction information
When greeting the cat, do not pet immediately. Allow them to sniff your hand and get used to your presence.
Gentle Hugging
Ask before..
Picking up/holding*
Giving treats
Do not...
Feed random, unapproved treats
Take out of room without Liam
Picking up/holding (emergency, choking, escaping..)
Room / suite housekeeping
Do not advertise greeting the cat to your friends. The cat is an ESA, not a circus animal.
Be mindful of loud noises like doors and friends. We want to keep the cat stress-free.
If Liam or Alex are not there, do not enter to just see the cat.
Be wary...
When closing doors, as they tend to slam very loud.
When entering the room. To prevent the cat from escaping, use your foot to act as the main barrier.
Sunny will likely want to be around me when I'm in the bathroom, so be wary to knock as usual.
Suitemates: Alarms & Emergencies
If there is a fire alarm and Alex nor Liam are present, if possible, please save the cat. We love the cat <3
How to do so:
Cat Evacuation Steps | |
1. First, get out the carrier. One should be located on Liam's side beneath the desk. | |
2A. Look for the cat. If you cannot find the cat after a minute or two, just warily leave to make sure cat doesn't just escape. | 3A. Make it aware to a RA or fireman that there is a cat within and follow their instructions. |
2B. If you do find the cat, pick up gently and put in the carrier. | 3B. Take the cat outside and move to a warm building if it is cold out. |
4. Text Liam about the situation to make sure he is aware. Keep cat as calm as possible and do not let cat out of the bag. People are not allowed to pet the cat either. |
Health & more information
This is here if ever needed in Emergency and Liam is not present.